Monday, March 12, 2007

Vivaaha and Transcendence

The kalyana mandapa was overflowing with festive atmosphere. It was Muhurtha time, one half hour before noon. After participating in the 'kaashi Yatra' ceremony, I came back to take a seat to observe the further rituals of the wedding of one of my far cousins. I was surprised to see a bunch of Europeans next to my seat. They were observing the proceedings with wide open curious eyes. My cousin works in a European multinational and she had invited her Business partners. I exchanged introductions, talked little bit about the global IT business scenario. Once the fire sacrifice (homa) started, Svetlana who was more curious and vocal among the group eagerly questioned about the significance of all these rituals. Svetlana questioned me "Two people love each other madly and they have decided to go together in life, Why bring divinity and all these complex rituals" "Its just pure attraction and why spend huge amounts of time on rituals" "Cant you just party and celebrate this Pure attraction?"
I was elated. Beautiful question at the right time since I was researching on the spiritual significance and meaning of various rituals used in ceremonies and festivals. I had some initial study and contemplation done on 'vivaha samskara' from the time I got invited to multiple marriages in my office. I asked Svetlana "Is it enough to come tegether just to satisfy physical cravings and emotional bonding?" "Its ok for basic sustenance and living - Wont life be more exciting when people in love partner together to commit to a journey to explore and discover the unknown infinite?"
Svetlana looked puzzled - "you believe in all this? Anyway iam getting curious, tell me more"
In the vedic culture of Sanatana Dharma, whole human life is dedicated for discovering the infinite(athato Brahma jijnaasa) and finally establishing oneself as a member of the infinite World. To streamline this transformation, society is divided into 4 varnas and asramas. Love between man and woman is invested to find everlasting eternal love in the infinite world. This investment is a process and hence the couple seek divine support and blessings for this journey.
It was Muhurtha time. All of us got up to bless the couple by showering rice grains. The process of Mangalasutra dharana started.
Svetlana's interest in topic got more deeper. She asked me "What are the various rituals in marriage? How do you seek divine support for this exciting journey towards the infinite?"
There are 5 to 6 critical steps in a marriage ceremony.
1) Naandi (Inviting the ancestors to seek their blessings)
2) Punyaah (Inviting the devataas expecially Varuna and Vaastu devata -> The water is used for mandapa and place purification)
3) Kanya Daana (The father gifts daughter to the Groom) (Being a feminist Svetlana raised her eyebrows hearing that a girl is gifted in marriage! I asked her to control her emotions for the time being)
4) Paani Grahana (The Groom accepts the hand of the bride) & Mangala Sutra dhaarana
5) Saptapadi combined with Laaja homa ( 7 steps of commitment and seeking divine support for the journey toward infinte)
The journey of purification towards eternity is undertaken in primarily 4 asramas - Brahmacari(Student phase), Grihastha(Householder), Vanaprastha, Sanyaasa. Asramas are institutions which assist spiritual cultivation. Lord Visnu and the devataas are the protectors of these institutions. These asramas also assist in gradual withdrawal from sensual indulgence and cultivation of inner life in transcendence.
The last 2 asramas of Vanaprastha and Sanyaasa have more proximity towards samadhi leading to a total withdrawal and disinterest in wordly affairs.
This is not deliberate but natural due to cultivation of higher taste in transcendence. The foundation of such a taste is put in the early 2 asramas of
Brahmacari and Grihastha which equips an individual towards total inner absorption by the time he reaches Vanaprastha. Just like any long and ardous journey needs a partner for support and motivation, our inner journey also needs a Co-traveller. Identifying a soul mate as a cotraveller towards the infinite and entering into a commitment and bond for the combined inner journey seeking the support of the Gods is technically called 'Vivaaha'.
Svetlana looking satisfied replied "Iam quite impressed with the sublime and ethereal objective of a vedic marriage. The real higher ideal of why
Soul mates come together to satisfy the integration with cosmic sporting of loving exchanges". The bride's side started inviting all of us for a sumptous lunch. After Lunch while I was about to leave, Svetlana and her friends thanked me for the wonderful insight into Hindu marriage. The thought of the universality of Vedic culture crossed my mind. I remembered the following sloka from the Gita where Sri Krishna spoke about organization of society into 4 varnas and asramas
Gita 4.13
catur-varnyam maya srstam guna-karma-vibhagasah tasya kartaram api mam viddhy akartaram avyayam
According to the three modes of material nature and the work ascribed to them, the four divisions of human society were created by Me. And, although I am the creator of this system, you should know that I am yet the non-doer, being unchangeable.

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