Monday, November 27, 2006


Last week we had some really cool brainstorming on 'Science and techniques of Contemplation' or in kannada we call it 'Chintane'.
One has to seek his or her contemplative partner to experience the joy of contemplation. Peter Senge has described dialogue as an activity where contemplative partners converse and discover something which both were not aware before coming together. 'Dialog' is the exchange between contemplative partners.
How to do contemplation and how to teach the process of contemplation? Contemplation is fundamental to becoming 'Self taught' and to explore life beyond matter in the realms of consciousness and transcendence.
Present day education is spoon feeding whereas Gurukula system was teaching contemplating skills enabling self discovery.
Infact contemplation is the foundation to one of the elementary Yoga - "Jnana or buddhi yoga' which Sri Krishna teaches in the 2/3 chapters of the Gita.
Deep contemplation enables one to dive deep and hear the voice of intuition 'Paramatama. But Jnana is not the end in itself -> As we proceed to the higher chapters of the Gita, the divine conversation is hinting at experiencing Divine emotion thru the process of Devotional service.
Following Verse 15.15 from the Gita is very revealing
Supreme Lord Sri Krishna says

'I am seated in everyone’s heart, and from Me come remembrance, knowledge and forgetfulness. By all the Vedas, I am to be known. Indeed, I am the compiler of Vedänta, and I am the knower of the Vedas'.
Who can know Sri Krishna better than the Cowherd men and women of Vrindavana?

- Inner Voice
Inspired by the Divine Grace of Saints

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